Sunday, March 25, 2012

Comparing Dates.

Hi All,

I have a database field (datestamp) which returns the date the records were inserted into the database. The datestamp was created with the now(); function in .net and is in the following format:5/23/2006 2:27:45 AM

I basically want to return all records that were inputted more than 28 days ago. I have had alook though some other posts and below is the closest query that i could find but unfortunately it does not work for me.

SELECT id, datestamp
FROM table
WHERE datestamp > DateAdd(d, 28, GetDate())

Thanks in advance,


You are looking for a date 28 days ago, so try -28:

SELECT id, datestamp
FROM table
WHERE datestamp > DateAdd(d,-28, GetDate())


Spot on Douglas, thankyou for you quick reply!


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