Sunday, February 19, 2012

Commit Update to SQL Database Table

The following code will not update and commit the update to a SQL Database Table. Now my where statement is looking for a Date field. Could this be the problem?

Dim DBConnAs SqlConnection

Dim DBAddAsNew SqlCommand

Dim strConnectAsString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ProtoCostConnectionString").ConnectionString

DBConn =New SqlConnection(strConnect)

'Update a existing row in the table

DBAdd.CommandText ="UPDATE [D12_MIS] SET [CSJ] = @.CSJ, [EST_DATE] = @.EST_DATE, [RECORD_LOCK_FLAG] = @.RECORD_LOCK_FLAG, [EST_CREATE_BY_NAME] = @.EST_CREATE_BY_NAME, [EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME] = @.EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME, [m2_1] = @.m2_1, [m2_2_date] = @.m2_2_date, [m2_3_date] = @.m2_3_date, [m2_4_date] = @.m2_4_date, [m2_5] = @.m2_5, [m3_1a] = @.m3_1a, [m3_1b] = @.m3_1b, [m3_2a] = @.m3_2a, [m3_2b] = @.m3_2b, [m3_3a] = @.m3_3a, [m3_3b] = @.m3_3b WHERE [EST_DATE] = " & EstDateText

With DBAdd.Parameters

.AddWithValue("@.CSJ", pvCSJ.Text)

.AddWithValue("@.EST_DATE", tmp1Date)

.AddWithValue("@.RECORD_LOCK_FLAG", tmpRecordLock)

.AddWithValue("@.EST_CREATE_BY_NAME", CheckedCreator)

.AddWithValue("@.EST_REVIEW_BY_NAME", CheckedReviewer)

.AddWithValue("@.m2_1", vb2_1)

.AddWithValue("@.m2_2_date", tmp2Date)

.AddWithValue("@.m2_3_date", tmp3Date)

.AddWithValue("@.m2_4_date", tmp4Date)

.AddWithValue("@.m2_5", vb2_5)

.AddWithValue("@.m3_1a", vb3_1a)

.AddWithValue("@.m3_1b", vb3_1b)

.AddWithValue("@.m3_2a", vb3_2a)

.AddWithValue("@.m3_2b", vb3_2b)

.AddWithValue("@.m3_3a", vb3_3a)

.AddWithValue("@.m3_3b", vb3_3b)


DBAdd.Connection = DBConn


Dim rowsAffectedAsInteger = 0


rowsAffected = DBAdd.ExecuteNonQuery

Catch exAs Exception

tb2_2.Text = ex.ToString()




tb2_1.Text = rowsAffected

Yes. Since a date column (datetime) consists of both date and time portion, you WHERE clause will attempt to match both the date and the time values. Chances are, you don't have the time portion specified (or a different one), so nothing will be matched. Instead, try to use the format:

WHERE [EST_DATE] >= '02/18/2006 12:00:00 AM' AND [EST_DATE] <= '02/18/2006 11:59:59 PM'


WHERE [EST_DATE] >= '02/18/2006' AND [EST_DATE]< '02/19/2006'

Notice that when yo specify only the date portion, the time portion defaults to 12:00:00 AM, so the second method uses less-than (<) the following date of the date you're trying to filter.|||

WHERE [EST_DATE] = " & EstDateText .

I think the problem is that you have not enclosed the date with single quotes. Try the following one

WHERE [EST_DATE] = '" & EstDateText & "'"

|||That was the problem of missing quotes, thanks!|||Change the date to a parameter, and you wouldn't have had that problem.

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