From server A:
select field1, field2 from serverb.databasename.ownername.tablename
where ...|||When I use
servera.database...... in server A it works
but when I use
serverb.database...... in server A it doesnt work.|||what's the error message?
it's supposed to be.. [ [ [ server. ] [ database ] . ] [ owner_name ] . ] object_name|||first, I link two servers. then I run a select in view.
the error msg is
"Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists"
how do I do?|||It's BOL on how to do it. Linking the servers opens a channel between them. You have to map logins so that you then have the proper access. Basically, you say "If I'm logged in as Joe on server A, when I connect to server B from server A, I want to act like server B's user named Fred." Right click the linked server, Properties, Security tab.
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