Sunday, February 19, 2012

Committing data to SQL from a Visual Basic Form

I have novice level visual basic knowledge using Visual Studio 2005 and have little knowledge of SQL using SQL express. I am attempting to create a SQL database which initially consists of a single table bound to a Visual Basic form for data entry. So far I have been able to bind a VB form to a SQL database creating a DataSet, DataAdapter, and utilizing the default binding navigator. I also seem to have functioning Stored Procedures.

The VB form is able to add data to the SQL table and I can toggle through the data while the VB app is running but when I terminate the app and load it again all newly added data is not available from the SQL table.

I have seen other strings on this subject and viewed many tutorials but they only bring me as far as I am. None of them address the concept of permanently committing data to SQL from the VB form. FYI…data entered manually into the SQL table is stored, just not data from the form.

Does anyone have any idea what is wrong?

Are you using the user instance feature in SQL Server express ? Then you will have to set the "Copy" property to "Never" for the in your solution included datafile.

Jens K. Suessmeyer.

I am not clear on the instructions please clarify for the newbie.


|||If you are starting your program from inside visual basic the application is being rebuilt and the SQL database as created in visual basic is overwriting the database you created last time you ran your program. If you open your program from the bin\debug directory within your project folder, make changes to the data, exit the program, then go back into the program the same way, your database should have been updated with the changes.|||@.Bluebuddha: Did you find the setting ?

Jens K. Suessmeyer

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