I am playing around with Common Table Expressions in SQL Server 2005 and am noticing a strange issue.
SQL Server Version: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3042.00 (Intel X86) Service Pack 2
Please find a query below that works on AdventureWorks.
Purpose of query
The query starts from the CEO of the company (ManagerID = null) and there is a recursive portion that it uses to find all the direct reports.
What I am seeing
Look at the recursive query where I have made the field, Title, really big and bold. This field always returns, "Chief Executive Officer" - the person at the very top of the food-chain.
What I expect to see
I thought that you should see the title of your immediate supervisor (the person who you directly report to). NOTE: Not everybody reports directly to the CEO.
USE AdventureWorks;
WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, Level)
-- Anchor member definition -- Start from the CEO of the company
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, 0 AS Level
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
-- POSSIBLE PROBLEM! with this part of the query.
-- Recursive member definition for getting direct reports
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, d.Title, Level + 1
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
-- Statement that executes the CTE
SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, Level
FROM DirectReports
I was able to get the desired results with the following query:
USE AdventureWorks;
WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, Level)
-- Anchor member definition -- Start from the CEO of the company
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e.Title, 0 AS Level
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
-- Recursive member definition for getting direct reports
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, e2.Title, Level + 1
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employee AS e2
ON e.managerId = e2.employeeId
INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
-- Statement that executes the CTE
SELECT ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, Level
FROM DirectReports
Can somebody explain why I am not able to get the Title of the Immediate supervisor in the first query? It looks like the Title of the very first row is propagating during recursion. Is this how CTEs are supposed to behave?
Radha Mukkai
The anchor member's title is being propagated to all rows simply because you're not introducing any other Employee title into the two SELECT statements that form the CTE.
During the first recursion you return d.Title which is actually the title belonging to the anchor member. You now have two rows with the Title of the anchor member, the recursion then continues keeping the value of d.Title constant each time.
To keep the CTE simple you could use the code below as an alternative to your second example.
Code Snippet
WITH DirectReports (ManagerID, EmployeeID, Title, LEVEL)AS
-- Anchor member definition -- Start from the CEO of the company
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, 0 AS LEVEL
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
-- Recursive member definition for getting direct reports
SELECT e.ManagerID, e.EmployeeID, LEVEL + 1
FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e
INNER JOIN HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory AS edh
ON e.EmployeeID = edh.EmployeeID AND edh.EndDate IS NULL
INNER JOIN DirectReports AS d
ON e.ManagerID = d.EmployeeID
-- Statement that executes the CTE
SELECT dr.ManagerID,
THEN ( SELECT e2.Title
FROM HumanResources.Employee e2
WHERE e2.EmployeeID = dr.EmployeeID),
ELSE em.Title
END AS Title,
FROM DirectReports dr
LEFT JOIN HumanResources.Employee AS em
ON dr.managerId = em.employeeId
Let's talk through the pseudo code a little.
1 - Populate DirectReports with the CEO, using "CEO" as Title.
2 - Populate the DirectReports with the people that report to anyone in the DirectReports table, using the Title that's already in there as the new value for Title.
3 - Repeat from 2.
So you see, you're never actually putting any new Titles in there. Your source of the Titles is your existing list of Titles, which is just "CEO".
To solve this, you could store both titles in the CTE, or just fetch the Manager's title after you've created the CTE.
Hope this helps,
Thanks Rob and Chris. I realized my mistake after mentally walking through the recursion tree.
Radha Mukkai
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