Thursday, February 16, 2012

Comment thread for this forums "Hint" sticky

My God! What happens if I miss a step, or put it in a different order? I know I can specify ORDER BY StepID, but what about a missing step? I do have "missing ranges" script, but posting questions filtered through the script process may become a full-time job in itself...What to do, what to now trotsky. that'll do pig. that'll do.

I hate to say it but i have to agree with Brett. Partially because he's right but mostly because it will upset you.

it would help if some people were more clear with their questions and descriptions of issues. but many a time that is due to:

A lack of understaning of the concepts required to ask the questioni
A lack of understanding of english
but so what?

it just makes it less likely that they will get their question answered.

I'll leave you with this.
when and if i ever have a question for this site, i will try to be as clear and forthcoming with information as possible as my post languishes in the unanswered pile. :D|||Never mind

EDIT: Note to self...don't post when a). It's near midnight, and b). You've been "entertaining"|||now now trotsky. that'll do pig. that'll do.

I love that movie

I hate to say it but i have to agree with Brett. Partially because he's right

A slap and a compliment...ahh, just like when I was dating...I wouldn't have it any other way.....

ummm...what do you mean partially? I usually completely satisfy my dates...

No need for debates...the whole goal here is to provide|||how about we try this.
anytime you dont like the way someone asks a question, answer the question as yoda

"correlated subquery. you should not use".|||Wouldn't that be...

"Use, you should not"

But what's wrong with a coorelated sub query?|||isnt that correlated?
see you are already on your way to helping people find the way.

There is nothing "Wrong" with CSubs per se but you will have to acknowledge that they come with performance issues because of back and forth negotiation between the inner and outer queries. and Microsoft suggests in the KB that there are a few issues with them (having pushed out a few hotfixes just for CSubs).
while they may be neccessary at times I have always tried to rewrite them if at all possible.|||guys, do you realize that if your objective is to get newbies to read the guidelines for how to post a question, that the more bumph you add to the thread, the less likely they are to read it

sticky threads should (unless they are "resource" threads, i.e. lists of links, etc.) be limited to one brief post, the briefer the better|||Ok, I know that in the long lost Corral I wrote a post that said I had a real problem with editing threads, but I'll make an exception in this case because this is a sticky thread. Threads like this are intended to convey specific, highly focused information, particularly for new users that won't take time to wade through interesting but off-topic commentary that really belongs in the Corral.

Rudy: I'd appreciate it if you'd actively prune all off topic (not directly related to post #1) postings from this thread. I understand that implies pruning this posting, since it doesn't directly contribute to what this thread is about. If possible, I'd also "lock" the thread to prevent off topic posts.

-PatP|||brett, this is your thread, any objections to pat's recommended pruning?|||but i digress...

Kill it!|||prune away, and lock it.

Thanks|||You Can Do Transplants?|||That's what "pruning" is... Cutting divergent posts to a different (possibly disposable) thread.

Now we can yammer all we like without diulting the value of the sticky post. If somebody comes up with something useful to add to the original post, Rudy can prune it from here back into the (now locked) thread for reference.

-PatP|||hey brett, in your sticky, you have instructions for how to script the table in EM

have you seen how to do it in QA?,289483,sid87_gci1129984,00.html

some people don't like EM, does they

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