Thursday, February 16, 2012

Comment/Uncomment keyboard shortcut changed .. grrrrr!!!!

Call me old-school, but I happened to like the one-key Shift-Ctrl-C and Shift-Ctrl-R methods of commenting and uncommenting T-SQL code. I've tried to see how I can set up my own macro's to give me those key combos back instead of the double-the-work ctrl-K + ctrl-C and ctrl-K + ctrl-U keyboard short cuts.

The k-c one is the worst because it takes two hands to type it, but the two fingered k-u isn't much better.

Can someone tell me how I can override or augment these so that I can get these two familiar short-cuts back. I don't care if I have to override something .. whatever it is, it's not nearly as imporant as this to me.I'm getting used to just using the toolbar comment/un-comment.

Have to agree, there are a few 'little' things that are quite irritating...

I miss the line/column count in the status bar at the bottom. Made finding your errors fairly easy most of the time.

I miss the spinning globe on the dropdown Window list to see if a long running process is still running.

And the ctrl-b to move the resultpane was nice too. It's pretty hit or miss to get the mouse just right to move it now...

Nor can you scroll with a mouse wheel in the Execution Plan Results anymore.

Progress eh? :)|||Actually for Visual Studio developers the change is welcome/necessary because that is consistent with the VS environment. I have to say you have a point about the k-c combination though Smile|||In Management Studio you should be able to go to

Tools -> Customize -> Commands -> Keyboard, then pick Keyboard in Environment and change Keyboard Scheme to SQL Server 2000. You should get your shortcuts back.


p.s. I should add that you will NOT get ALL of your shortcuts back. Sorry!|||That worked.

You get a Big kiss(tm) for that little tid-bit!


:-)|||Yeap, ctrl-b still doesn't work, bummer. Thanks for the tidbit though.

It's nice to have the comment/uncomment back. :)|||

As in the VS2005 IDEs you can use Ctrl-K,C Ctrl-K,U to comment/uncomment source, that's an option, or not ? Smile


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